
A night filled with Bossa Nova


露:Sorry may i know what frequency is that?
大叔:Oh it's FM90.5, Gold FM, you understand this type of music too?
露:I... I just like it lah...haha.
大叔:You know everytime my son got into my taxi,he striaght away tune into those pop FM, i told him those are not music!!! Why he has to follow his friends listen all this rubbish? Yoo i really don't understand la....
露:...How old is he?
大叔: 20 something ah!
露:Okay, I am actually 50 XD (冷)
大叔:(开始喋喋不休)I like this radio station, they used to play those jazz,bossa nova.....
露:U like Bossa Nova too??!!
大叔:You too??!! You understand Bossa Nova?! (兴奋)
露:I'm big fans of Bossa Nova!!! (几乎要拥抱彼此的样子)


大叔又问了:You understand Bossa Nova?
露:I don't dare to say i understand....but I'll say...i really like it.

这是最近我很有兴趣的爵士老将,Bossa Nova 就是要这样唱!Tom Jones 好酷!
哎忘了问大叔understand (like) Tom Jones 吗?呵呵。

3 条评论:

jooknun 说...

賣阿捏~ 來來來 share歌咧~~

jooknun 说...

美好得晚上不捨得睡覺, 半夜醒來上廁所, 你有嚇到我... 這麼夜了還開著大門, 你不怕7月哦?

cassieandrea 说...

wahhahahahahahaa so nice the uncle!
u found uncle... or vice versa?