

坦白說,除了慣用的私人郵箱外,我確實很少檢查其他郵箱的電郵,很久很久才會檢查一次。今天,我後知後覺地發現了久違的Wanna (他是我們二月份去柬埔寨旅行時的導遊) 捎來了這封信。

我從來沒有想過,只不過一場旅行,交易完成以後,我以爲人與人之間短暫的緣分也就這樣落幕。 沒想到,年末結束以前,我讀著他寫的一字一句。


I and family have nothing to offer you. We are all have only 2 arms to pray to the God to bless you and family to meet all happiness, good health, luck, success in all that you done and longevity forever.



姐妹們,我把他的信轉寄給你們了。聖誕快樂 =)

對了,我跟他說,如果有朋友要去柬埔寨玩,我會推薦他: http://www.cambodianguide.com/

8 条评论:

ariel 说...

我们偶尔听到辣妹歌也会怀念他 =)

wanna, if you see this, wishing you a very merry x'mas to you and your family & a prosperous year ahead~

cassieandrea 说...

hahaa yes. apsara spicy girl!!!

bless everyone whom we know! =)

Fei 说...

Wanna is amazing, you lot must have touched him or inspired him somehow too :)

creative hamba 说...

i super love the photo, the triangle pose is so nice...

jooknun 说...

this a season to be jolly
falalalala lalalala

I wish him a merry xmas and a happy new year too~

such a bless to have such a father, his sons are both so hang fuk~

lulu 说...

merry xmas and best wishes to all!

匿名 说...


This line very 18++ dramatic, but i like :D


匿名 说...

Oh yeah,

Speaking about thanks-giving:

I'm sure many of us have a list of item/people/event to thank for, in conjunction with FIRST MONDAY of 2010,

any chance having a post on this?

Let me start the ball rolling with:
1) Thanks "Youtube" for free music and MV

2) Thanks "Facebook" for connecting closed ones and long-time-no-see friends

3) Thanks Guanyin ma bo pi bo pi

be grateful be glad, cheers;
